Regenerative Region Initiative — a Demonstration Project & Network
This initiative will implement the approach of regenerative systems sustainability and urbanism developed in the presentation given at the EcoCity World Summit 2022 and summarized in the white paper to be published in the Summit’s proceedings (see Presenting at EcoCity Summit 2022 page in this website for description and links).
The Regenerative Region initiative is the next step in Sustainability 2030’s work on advancing regenerative systems sustainability success. The Initiative will simultaneously demonstrate, test, and advance a regenerative systems sustainability approach in the San Francisco Bay Area as a “just-in-time” method of simultaneous engagement, learning, innovation, and response that addresses only those “next-step” challenges and tasks on the shortest path to success. The goal is to formulate and choose a regional path to systems sustainability success within the short time remaining for an effective response.
Because we are nearly out of time to mount a successful response to climate challenge (experts suggest 10-20 years to achieve a critical mass of progress), which is but the urgent front lines of the larger and equally urgent sustainability challenge, S2030 undertakes initiatives with the potential to scale quickly. S2030’s current work program is focused on one demonstration project — the Regenerative Region Initiative: San Francisco Bay Area. The goal is to find a path that achieves a critical mass of no-turning-back sustainability within ten years. A key part of the initiative is the regenerative regional network. It will support interested parties in other regions with its transferable value. All problem-solving (research, writing, publishing, teaching, training, and innovation) is defined by and focused on the next needed step on the 10-year path to systems sustainability success ASAP (the critical path).
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<<more will be forthcoming.>>