History of Regenerative Sustainability 2030 (RS2030)
The initiative was exploratory, seeking an accurate understanding of the sustainability challenge and requirements for an effective response. This work focused on the question of whether sustainability was possible and, if so, how, and traversed the leading edge of sustainability from 1975 onwards. From 1990-2000 this initiative went under the title of the Sustainability Futures Project (SFP); from 2000 under the banner of Sustainability 2030 (S2030); and from 2005 to 2021 as the Sustainability 2030 Institute (S2030). The current RS2030 initiative extends S2030’s work to advancing practice for success in time.
The previous content of S2030 is now codified here, ssi2030.com, and is no longer under development, but is accessible for review. Primarily, it contains two blogs and a range of initiatives and resources as follows:
State of Sustainability (SOS): ideas and evaluations (the SOS Journal on the home page: http://www.ssi2030.com/)
Sustainability Clips: a blog of useful resources (http://www.ssi2030.com/sustainabilityclips/)
Initiatives (http://www.ssi2030.com/initiatives/), that range from collaborative projects with SFSU students, with APA Northern California as founder/director of its Sustainability Committee, a founding member of the APA Sustainable Communities Division and first cohort of Sustainability Champions.
This website (sustainability2030.com) presents the work of Regenerative Sustainability 2030 (RS2030) as it advances the emerging response of regenerative systems sustainability to address sustainability’s current predicament — an ineffective response to date and the increasing uncertainty of achieving sustainability success. Applied to urban and regional planning, regenerative systems sustainability becomes regenerative urbanism and regionalism and regenerative systems sustainability planning.